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Please see these listings in the Investigation Expert Witness category.

Bloomberg Consulting - Bloomberg Consulting, Inc. is an engineering consulting company located in the greater Pensacola, Florida area whose primary focus is in providing high quality accident recons Offices in: FL - will travel out of state

R. Bouwmeester & Associates - Sun & Shadow Position Modeling - services related to accident and crime scene reconstruction (eg rise/set times, sun position) and urban development (eg shadow impact studies) Offices in: ZZ - will travel out of state

Forensic Media Group - Technically accurate legal animations, event reconstructions, and courtroom graphics that get results for your civil and criminal court cases. Call for free consultation. Offices in: CA, NY and DC - will travel out of state

BODO, Professional Investigations - Nationwide Asset, Background and Locate Investigations;Licensed in Az., CA., and NV.; Civil and Criminal Defense in Southern CA & NV, and Eastern Az. - your Mojave Connection Offices in: AZ, CA and NV - will travel out of state

David Exline MSFS DABC - David Exline is a senior forensic scientist at the RJ Lee Group. RJ Lee conducts trace analysis in GSR, hair, fiber, paint, condom lubricants, glass and materials analysis. Offices in: CA, NY and PA - will travel out of state

Anita F. Cholewa, PhD, forensic botanist - Expertise in plant identification, including seeds, leaf and flower particles; fresh or dried. Area: northern states, especially upper midwest. Experienced in court. Offices in: MN - will travel out of state

Forensic Audio Services by GaideCom - GaideCom offers a complete range of forensic audio services,including audio enhancement and restoration,signal analysis,damaged media repair,and transcription services. Offices in: NY - will travel out of state

Orent Investigations Dana Orent - Retired Gang Detective from the Los Angeles area.Testified as a gang expert specializing in black gangs over 100 times.Cases: murder robberies carjacks intim of wits etc Offices in: CA - will travel out of state

International Intelligence Limited - Due diligence, financial investigation, telephone/wire tapping and communications interception. Offices in: CA - will travel out of state

Online Pi - Private Investigators - Civil, Infidelity, Employee & Insurance fraud investigations. Video surveillance, phone traces & records, locate persons, undercover operations, Spy equipment, GPS tracking Offices in: FL - will travel out of state

Michael A. Knox - Michael A. Knox is an expert in the areas of traffic accident and crime scene reconstruction. Mr. Knox has over 15 years of law enforcement experience. Offices in: FL - will travel out of state

Armstrong Forensic Engineers - Whenever accidents happen, our qualified, credible experts investigate causes and deliver accurate, easy to understand analysis of complex technical problems. Offices in: CO, FL, IL, MI, TX and UT - will travel out of state

Forensic Consulting Services LLC - crime scene investigation, reconstruction & analysis, blood stain pattern interpretation, fingerprint analysis & comparison, bullet trajectory Offices in: FL - will travel out of state

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