Wilderness Medicine Expert
Carl Weil Wilderness Medicine Outfitters (303) 688-5176
Carl Weil has earned many credentials helpful to his 30+ years of expert witness work. His years of public speaking and clean cut western appearance help him when taking the stand to testify. He has reviewed over 2000 outdoor businesses in the US, Canada and abroad as a risk manager. Lawyers find his honesty and clarity an asset on their cases.
He has worked on over 200 cases as an expert.
He grew up on a family ranch in the Colorado Mountains, is a third generation
guide and is a true wilderness medicine expert. Public presentations in safety are frequent. A list of his publications is available. His recent unique monograph presentation on levels of outdoor liability and responsibility before the Wilderness Education Association was positively received. Scholastically he has undergraduate degrees and many hours of on going graduate work. His field of cases has included: Archery, Appraisals, Camps, Climbing in gyms and on traditional rock, Equine activities, Guest and working ranches, General Aviation, Guiding, Hunting, Horses, Livestock, Mountaineering, Outfitting, Schools and Safety. He offers a free initial review.
Camps, Equine,
Guiding, Ranching,